Disciplinary Policy

  • Students are expected to be well behaved respectful to school personnel, mates and properties and to act responsibly at all times.
  • SAMA American Students intact integrity, honesty and reliability is expected at all times.
  • SAMA American Students model perfect conduct is continuously anticipated.
  • SAMA American Students pursuit of academic excellence and distinctive work is incessantly estimated.
  • Certain offenses are not tolerated and may lead to immediate strict disciplinary measures from school administration:
    1. Possession / use of illegal substances.
    2. Fighting.
    3. Smoking.
    4. Vandalism.
    5. Assault.
    6. Extortion.
    7. Repetitive bullying / threats to others.
    8. Possession/Use/Transfer of dangerous weapons.
    9. Possession/Theft/Sale of stolen property.
    10. Repeated disciplinary offenses.

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